
Saturday, April 14, 2012

tis the season?

normally i really slow down on the crochet front come spring... this year, not so much! i have been super busy getting custom orders finished up so i can get monsters made for Make It! Edmonton.
i have some done but i need a lot more... good thing i have a whole basket of monster bodies done that are just waiting for the gift of sight... they are currently eyeball-less, but it won't take a lot of time to get those eyeballs stitched on.
my new summer hats were a big hit and a whole batch of them will be on their way to new heads this weekend. then i just have to get a pile of them made to sell at shows this spring. this is what i will be spending every moment of every evening doing for the foreseeable future... once Hugo is asleep i have dinner and then get to work. exciting i know.
i think i will be taking a small break from the jewelry i usually fill my spring and summer with and focusing on other crafty goodies this year.

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